Menu Prompts
Phone Messages
Menu Prompts sometimes called Interactive Voice Responses (IVRs) allow callers to select a specified department or staff member.
A Menu Prompt is a short cut. Menu Prompts advise callers what they need to do to directly connect with any extension or department. A typical prompt might say; "For sales enquiries, Press One; To be connected to the Service Department Press Two; For Accounts Payable, Press Three..."
Incoming callers save precious time getting to the person or department they are calling. Plus the self-service nature of Menu Prompts reduces staff involvement. Your staff don't need to get involved to connect an external call.
Callers also benefit from the increased level of privacy. They get directly connected to the person or department they require without involving any one else.
Menu Prompts are particularly useful to regular callers. Once they are aware of the interactive nature of the system they can save even more time by "dialling ahead" - selecting the required number without having to listen to the entire menu.
We are a part of the business audio specialists, Media Group. We are experienced at building IVRs or Menu Prompts for enterprises of all sizes and work with companies from all sectors of the economy including government.
The Menu Prompts we supply are delivered in the appropriate file format to load into any telephone system. We utilise online delivery for convenience and speed.
Where an organisation is comprised of many tiers then we will supply individual files to accommodate any complexity.
In multi-tiered installations, callers hear the relevant prompts as they move through the various levels and departments. The tiered instructions prompt the action required to arrive at a desired destination. The caller may hear a prompt like "For existing account holders, please Press One; If you wish to open a new monthly account Press Two; For all other enquiries please Press Three."
It is important that you realise your company's Menu Prompts or IVRs become part of the "corporate image" you present to the world. Therefore your Menu Prompts not only have to function well but they should also depict your organisation in the way you wish to be perceived. They should be expertly written, spoken by a professional voice over artist and produced in a modern recording studio.
Don't take short cuts with your Menu Prompts. They are probably one of the first things people encounter when dealing with your company. Make sure the job is done properly and don't scrimp on the budget.
We are able to produce professional quality Menu Prompts at very low cost because we specialise in business audio.We have a team of experienced copywriters and studio producers working in our own state-of-the-art the recording studios..
We use our own a team of in-house professional male and female voice artists plus we also draw on a vast pool of free-lance male and female professional announcers.
You will soon realise the program of Menu Prompts we provide will greatly improve the flow of incoming telephone calls to your company and at the same time help you present a polished image to your customers.
Find out more about Menu Prompts and arrange a FREE quote; click here.
Typical Format for Menu Prompts: "Welcome and thank you for calling (insert Company Name). Please choose from the following options. To speak to a Sales Consultant, press 1; For our Service Department, press 2; For Accounts, press 3; for all other enquiries please stay on the line and one of our friendly staff will be with you as soon as possible. To hear these choices again please press zero."